30 words

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

'What are thoughts?' (in itself a thought) As I ponder this question, a network of neurons fire to produce a movie of the mud pools of Rotorua in New Zealand.

‘What are thoughts?’ (in itself a thought) As I ponder this question, a network of neurons fire to produce a movie of the mud pools of Rotorua in New Zealand.

What's all this about haters?

The word ‘hater’ sounds like it would come out a child’s mouth. It has a ring of the playground ‘my Dad’s bigger than your Dad’ about

People come because-they're in pain

People don’t come to me saying,‘I’d really like to clear the emotional impact of financial losses.’They come because they are in pain. They don’t say, ‘I

How to be Miserable

How to be miserable.1. Imagine that you’re alone in the world and that you can ???? ???? ??? ?????????? by achieving more and being better (than

Angry Harry gets fixed

There was a bouncer called Harry.He worked in the best clubs and he loved his job. But Harry kept getting in trouble for being too confrontational

Battle field surgeon

If you need to bite someone, it’s useful to be angry. But for figuring out how to pay your energy bills, and stay moderately sane in

I am my own worst _ _ _ _ _

Your own worst ______?What?You don’t remember many sentences you’ve heard,but you remember this one, ‘I am my own worst enemy.’ Whenever I speak with a group

A More Powerful Way Of Interacting WIth Life

??’? ??? ??? ????? ???. ???? ? ??????. When one of the smartest people on the planet – Bernardo Kastrup – and an ex-England rugby star

I want my money back

When I look at Crypto charts, I see a lot of pain for inexpereienced traders (probably seasoned hands too). It was going nowhere, and then the