If You Want To See Change, Communicate With Whose in Charge
11 July 2022
A Get Out of Jail Free Card
13 July 2022
What do you do if you have something you must do, but you don’t want to? Heaviness and boredom have descended upon you, and no amount of pep talks with yourself can get you fired up.
We typically say something like, ‘I need to get myself motivated’ or ‘I really need to find some motivation’
Seeing motivation as something you have to get for yourself, or to find, indicates that we think of it as something that is outside us.
Where would this motivation thing be? What does it look like? And how can it just disappear and leave you feeling like a gastropod (slug is one them)?
Language encourages us to fix and define things, to make concepts out of passing states. As soon as something becomes a concept, it can also become a problem.
Without all the baggage,
? motivation is a state of finding something compelling enough to do.
Procrastination is motivation’s unpopular cousin. Everyone groans when this fella turns up. But if you drop this concept too, and think of the state, you discover
? procrastination is a state of finding things that aren’t on your to-do list compelling.
There are usually a few other parts to it, including,
➛ thinking that you should have done more in the past, and
➛ assuming that you won’t do enough in the future.
Do you already notice a shift, just from thinking of passing states instead of concepts?
When I discovered Jon Connelly, PHD, MSW, LCSW‘s methods, I was amazed that nobody talked about goals. We’d be watching live demonstrations of Rapid Resolution Therapy (The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, Inc.), and people were making big shifts, but the word goal was absent.
Instead, Jon thinks in terms of what would be
???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????.
This keeps things simple and does away with concepts that trip us up
When someone doesn’t feel much enthusiasm for doing what would be good to do and good to have done, he finds a way of attaching interest and appeal to doing it.
??? ???’? ???? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??????????? ?? ??????????.
? People will go through hell to get to their holiday destination. They will tolerate and even enjoy things they would never normally accept, to get to that beach or mountain or wherever.
☀️ Sitting in a metal tube at 40,000ft, after suffering all kinds of indignities and discomforts between leaving home and strapping themselves into the miniature plane seat.
They do it because they have pictures in their mind of them and their loved ones being happy.
Undo concepts and see things as a passing states to make life simpler and easier. Know you can’t lack motivation because you never had it.
And, associating tasks you don’t like with things you love to do is a whole lot easier than searching for something that doesn’t exist ?️.