No One Knows Why They Did Anything
28 May 2022
Critical Inner Voice? It’s Worse Than Useless
30 May 2022
I am 55 and very proud of that fact.
Without exception, my friends and colleagues have become more rounded, interesting people with age. Most of us are a lot easier to be around than we were in our 20s (definitely), 30s and even 40s.
Plus, unless I’d been around for a few decades, how else could I have such diverse experience? A group and one-to-one facilitator in various coaching techniques, a day trader, a massage therapist and an artist – all approached with gusto and all informing one another.
But this often not how the world sees those of us born in the 1960s and 70s. Age discrimination costs a fortune in wasted talent.
So how about reassessing how you view age? Or perhaps sharing some thoughts and experiences?
#ageing #ageingwell #olderadults