Everyone Hurts, Everyone Feels Jealous
4 August 2022
A More Powerful Way Of Interacting WIth Life
4 August 2022
When I look at Crypto charts, I see a lot of pain for inexpereienced traders (probably seasoned hands too). It was going nowhere, and then the last bulls capitulted. press was almost universally negative, and then boom! 50% up in a week. Those who missed it (most) will be desperate to get in. They hesitate and then go in this morning and they lose again.
This is why it’s essential to be clear the emotional impact of the markets, and to seperate yourself from your performance. When it feels like the market is making a fool of you and you need to be right to feel OK, you are going to make terrible decision.
I’ve been there and it sucks.
#crypto #trading #bitcoin #tradinglifestyle