Despair, Depression, Sadness, Low Mood, Whatever You Call It, It Hurts.
7 August 2022
Doing what you should do and not doing what you shouldn’t
8 August 2022Dumb question. Trading loses hurt because you wanted more money, you had more money, and now you’ve got less money (or none).
It’s not so complicated.
While this is part of it, it’s not the whole story.
The money has gone. It may only ever have been on paper, but it’s gone. It has happened, and it’s over.
All you want right now is your money back.
Some people can walk away and move on to the next project. But for many of us, losses trigger intense regret, an obsession with getting even, and in so doing, we morph into a loss magnet.
I was in the latter category, and these feelings lasted for over a decade – until I discovered Jon Connelly, PHD, MSW, LCSW founder of The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, Inc..
Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) has a unique way of looking at the world, and what causes our miseries. It’s a complex process, but here are a few RRT concepts that will shift your perceptive on what happens when we lose money and why it hurts.
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Your mind processes most of what happens to us without too much trouble. But when something is too big and too intense happens – like trading losses – the data about the event cannot be processed. It gets stuck.
You can think of this like a giant camera flash going off in your mind. It would be fine if it switched off when the thing was over, but it doesn’t.
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This means that your mind will make errors when it tries to process the data about what happened back then, and what is happening now.
The kinds of errors it will make in this scenario include:
?Your mind is still in partly in the past, back at the moment when you could have sold your crypto and banked profits.
➙ This causes all the regret, longing and ‘if only’. It’s preoccupying, and it’s exhausting, because your mind is trying to do the impossible – to change the past.
?Your mind has confused what has happened with who you are.
➙ If your mind is seeing you and your money as one-and-the-same, and you’ve lost money, it will create emotions to protect identity, i.e. jealousy, shame and anger.
? Your mind is telling you that a bad outcome must mean you are a bad a person; bad people have to be punished (suffer) to improve and become good.
➙ When mind sees the world through this lens, it will set about making you feel better by – bizarrely – making you feel worse. This is how self-hatred
Now for the good news. These are all processing errors. This is the flashbulb that won’t switch off – but we can fix it. Pain and suffering can be cleared.
It will be far faster and easier than you imagine, and it’s painless.
The RRT process works by clearing the distortions in the way your mind is processing data. Once that is complete, the troublesome emotions clear, as if they have been washed down the drain.