I Bought Bitcoin at $1, and sold it at $68,000 (I didn’t, But I Could have)
27 May 2022
I am fifty-five. I Think That’s a Good Thing.
29 May 2022
There’s only one true answer to this question,
and it’s ‘I don’t know, and I will never know.’
This is a short tale about a sensitive little guy called Billy.
On 27th Sept last year, Billy bought himself half a Bitcoin.
Six weeks laster, he was thinking he was pretty smart. He was ten grand up, and he spent a lot of time thinking about how he was going to make more money. He wondered about cashing in some of his profits, but didn’t. Bitcoin is going to the moon, and he wasn’t going to miss out. He delighted at the thought of Bitcoin at $100,000 and lots of very smart people were telling him this will happen.
Today, Billy thinks Billy’s an idiot. He’s spent many an uncomfortable hour wondering why he didn’t sell. How could I have been so stupid, he wonders. Billy likes to keep all of this to himself. His friends think that all is well in Billy’s life, and he cashed in just before the Crypto nosedive. Billy thinks this isn’t really a lie, because he will get his money back.
But Billy is in a lot of pain, and he wants to know why he messed up. He finds some videos YouTube that make him feel more hopeful, and he reads about the Law of Attraction. He works it all out: he lost his money because there is something wrong with how he thinks. Probably he’s not positive enough. Perhaps he doesn’t love himself enough. He must have had bad thoughts, he concludes. Or maybe he is bad. Billy decides he needs to fix Billy fast – so that he can get his money back.
Billy buys more books and courses to try and become a better Billy.
I’ve tried this. It’s what I did after I lost money trading. It didn’t work.
No one knows why they did anything. How could you ever know why you did what you did, when there are probably billions of reasons why any of us do anything?
People often say that they need to know why so that they can do better next time. It has the opposite effect. Intense focus on what we don’t want – in this case to make the mistake again – makes it more likely to repeat, not less.
It’s much more powerful to clear the ongoing emotional impact of the past than it is to work out why it happened. Once the event loses its power to disturb you, you are far less likely to repeat it.
Rapid Resolution Therapy (The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, Inc.) does just this – it effectively neutralises disturbing past events. They don’t need to be reframed, no one needs to be forgiven, you don’t have to love yourself or do any of those things to be free.
The memory simply loses its power to disturb you – the raging torrent is transformed into a gently flowing stream.
If you recognise yourself in Billy’s story, or just want to know more about how to get free of the past, please DM and we can have a chat.