You can’t let go, because you’re not holding on.
7 June 2022
We’d all rather be around upbeat people.
21 June 2022
I see the word everywhere: Mindset
Jelly sets and concrete sets, but minds are always in motion.
Responsive, flexible, imaginative. Wondrous. But not set.
No matter how many autopsies they do, doctors never find motivation confidence or optimism. No resilience, or optimism, and no determination either. If they can’t find these, there is no chance they’ll find a ‘mindset’.
Our lives are made up of transient states. You are keen as mustard, working on your project, and you stay that way all day, so someone would say that you are motivated. You boldly share your ideas with the world, and you lead a coaching seminar with aplomb, and then people will say you are confident.
When you combine transient states, you’ll have what is called a mindset.
A quick scroll on social media and you’ll find:
★ A growth mindset (vs. fixed (bad))
★ A positive mindset (vs. negative (very bad))
★ A good/right mindset (e.g. ‘you have the right mindset and will …’)
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What if you wake up tomorrow, and you are in deep despair? Motivation gone. Confidence in tatters. This is the dreaded ‘negative mindset’.
What’s changed? What have you lost?
You are exactly what you were yesterday, only you are experiencing a different set of transitory states. Not to deny that some are unpleasant, and could use some help and support, but you are not changed.
You have a foot. Are you your foot?
No, and you are not a mood or a state of mind either.
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If we see ourselves as a mindset, we also see ourselves as some-thing that needs to be developed. Something that needs to be held on to (when it’s good) and rejected (when it’s not good)
Forget about mind-sets. Instead, just know it. Recognise that you know that in every cell of your body, most of the time, you love to
? to participate,
? to share ideas,
? to create,
? to interact,
? to build businesses.
Or whatever the thing is that you do and keep doing …?
This will make the difficult days, the despair days – and the days when everyone else apart from you seems to have together, – so much easier
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Minds are amazing. Wondrous. They don’t need to be set, they just need to be seen for what they are – a miracle that is in constant motion.
Of course, we all prefer to experience the states that most would describe as a ‘positive mindset.’ Those around us would prefer that too. It’s better for us and better for the world
Ironically, it’s much easier to achieve this when we recognise that we can never be or have a mindset. We’re infinitely more than that.
#mindset #mindsetiseverything #motivation #confidence #coaching