An experienced content creator with an entrepreneurial work history, my unusual background equips me with in-depth knowledge across various industries including

  • Coaching, conscious leadership and personal development.

  • Retail trading and trading systems

  • Trading and investment mindset

  • Massage and bodywork

  • Meditation and relaxation techniques

  • Health and fitness

  • Mental health

What are Thoughts? One After Another Erupts and Disappears.

What’s all this about ‘haters’?

They come because they are in pain.

How to be Miserable

Angry Harry Avoids Trouble

If you need to bite someone, it’s useful to be angry

What a horrendous thought to believe – it’s you!

A More Powerful Way Of Interacting WIth Life

I Want My Money Back. Now

Everyone Hurts, Everyone Feels Jealous

Here a F**k Up, There a F**k Up, Everywhere A F**k Up

Are Your Feelings Lying to You?

What is emotional pain?


A Get Out of Jail Free Card

Good To Do, Good To Have Done – And Possible