He’s Got More Than Me (And He Shouldn’t Have)
25 May 2022
I Bought Bitcoin at $1, and sold it at $68,000 (I didn’t, But I Could have)
27 May 2022
Being preoccupied with the past is painful and energy sapping. Minds can find endless variations of ‘what ifs?’ and ‘if onlys.’
Since preoccupation is a symptom of distress, a sign that all is not well, how can it also be the solution?
Yet many of us believe that if we can only think about something long enough, and work out why we did it, we can make sure it doesn’t happen again.
This is a valiant attempt to reduce pain, but doesn’t work – it creates more of it.
When Jon Connelly The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, Inc. (#RRT) explained this idea, I was blown away by it. This is so obvious, but someone how I hadn’t seen it.
So how do you stop doing it?
The solution lies in changing the way mind is processing data about the past event, which is what RRT facilitators do in a session. When this happens, you regain your clarity and free up a whole lot of energy.
Get in touch to find out more.
#resentment #regret #selfhealing